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Tag Archives: Buffy

It’s our NINETEENTH episode!

Caroline is back to continue our discussion about the point and purpose of Buffy the Vampire Slayer!

Feminism and the power of friendship!

A very fun episode!

Check out Caroline’s blog!

Follow Caroline on Instagram to see all the pictures she takes of one of my best dog friends, Linus!

You may have heard that we all got fired from Comics Alliance recently, so now would be a great time to check out the ol’ Patreon!


The show is on Patreon!

Support KICTM to get fun rewards, behind the scenes stuff, early access to episodes, and all new shows about all kinds of things you love!

Download the episode and Subscribe on iTunes!

Follow Chris on Twitter: @thechrishaley

Follow Keep It Close To Me on Twitter: @KICTMpodcast!

Email the show with your questions, comments, concerns and whatever else at!

It’s our EIGHTEENTH episode!

Caroline is back to talk about the phenomenon of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and celebrate the show’s 20th anniversary!

Check out Caroline’s blog!

Follow Caroline on Instagram to see all the pictures she takes of one of my best dog friends, Linus!

You may have heard that we all got fired from Comics Alliance recently, so now would be a great time to check out the ol’ Patreon!


The show is on Patreon!

Support KICTM to get fun rewards, behind the scenes stuff, early access to episodes, and all new shows about all kinds of things you love!

Download the episode and Subscribe on iTunes!

Follow Chris on Twitter: @thechrishaley

Follow Keep It Close To Me on Twitter: @KICTMpodcast!

Email the show with your questions, comments, concerns and whatever else at!